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For yoga classes suitable for both beginners and advanced clients, contact

RMG Fitness


Welcome to the tranquil sanctuary of yoga at RMG Fitness, where we invite you to embark on a journey of self-discovery, balance, and inner strength.


Our Yoga program offers a diverse range of classes to cater to practitioners of all levels and backgrounds. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced yogi, you'll find a class that resonates with your unique needs and goals.

For a diverse range of yoga classes, contact RMG Fitness

Vinyasa Yoga

Immerse yourself in the flowing movements and deep breaths of Vinyasa Yoga. This dynamic practice connects breath with movement, helping you build strength, flexibility, and mindfulness.


Our Vinyasa classes are designed to challenge and rejuvenate both body and mind.

Vinyasa Yoga at RMG encompasses a variety of Yoga styles, each tailored to synchronize movements with breath. It adopts a vigorous approach, centred around Rapid Flow through Sun Salutations. The essence of Vinyasa Yoga lies in utilizing breath to harmonize the body and mind, fostering a robust mind-body connection while enhancing strength and flexibility. Engaging in the dynamic movements of Vinyasa Yoga not only fortifies the body but also contributes to the development and maintenance of a heightened metabolic rate. This state of aliveness ensures that we can actively embrace daily life, sports, recreation, and maintain a healthy posture. Through the power of breath and movement, Vinyasa Yoga becomes a transformative practice, guiding you toward a stronger, more flexible, and mindful self.

For rejuvenating vinyasa yoga classes, contact RMG Fitness

Yoga FAQ

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